We are a not-for-profit, rural playgroup that offers children the chance to learn and develop early social skills in a caring and friendly environment. We are a charity and have a committee which is made up of parent/carer volunteers of children attending playgroup. We also welcome parents /carers to come to visit as often as they'd like which gives them the chance to see how early years works.
All Staff are SSSC Registered, PVG Checked and have relevant qualifications
To be the best we can for Early Year learners
Morning sessions 9:00am - 12.30pm for children aged 2-5 years during school term time.
Funded, split funded and non funded places are available.
Please contact manager@udnystationplaygroup.co.uk to make an enquiry or for more information.
We follow the Curriculum for Excellence and encourage learning through indoor and outdoor play and liaise with local schools.
We organise activities based on the children's interests and seasonal themes.
The group adheres to national and local policies and procedures which are available to read in the setting. They include policies for Child Protection, Safe Recruitment, Infection Control, Promoting Positive Behaviour, Special Needs, Health and Safety, Confidentiality, Nappy Changing, Settling In, Admissions, Complaints, Curriculum, Lost Child, Constitution, Healthy Eating, Equal Opportunities, GDPR and others.
Until a child is funded (generally the term after the child’s third birthday) the fee is £25.27 per session.
For 3-5 year olds who have used all their allocated funded hours at another setting but still wish to attend our setting the fee is £23.98 per session.
Snack costs 50p per day per child.
The children are offered a choice of milk or water to drink and a healthy snack which includes a daily choice of fruit and vegetables, food representing different countries and food made during baking activities that the children take part in. Children pour their own drinks, spread bread, make choices and help to set and clear the table. A shop-bought cake can be provided by parents/carers to celebrate a child's birthday.
Children should wear soft shoes (not Crocs or slippers) for playing indoors and strong shoes or wellies and outdoor wear for playing outside. Best clothes should not be worn as we do some sort of craft or messy play activity each session. Children need to be dressed accordingly for the weather conditions as we go out in all weathers. Spare waterproofs are available. The playgroup also sells t-shirts and sweatshirts with its logo on that many children choose to wear each day.
You can telephone during playgroup hours giving your child's information and contact details or call into playgroup. When a place becomes available for your child (entry is in strict date of birth order) the manager will call you giving you a start date and/or send a letter giving you this information. A playgroup handbook giving all relevant information along with application forms will be given to you. The manager has to see a copy of the child's birth certificate and proof of address as this is required by Aberdeenshire Council. Please see our Applications Process page for further details.
All three and four year olds in Scotland are entitled to free preschool education provision from the term after their third birthday. This is why the child’s birth certificate and proof of address is required when the child is enrolled. Aberdeenshire Council provides funding for the children once they have proof of their date of birth.
Parents/carers are welcome to stay to settle their children. As each child is different, we will work with parents/carers to help settle the child. This will be discussed with parents/carers at enrolment.
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 12:30pm
school term time
Udny Station Pre-School and Playgroup
Udny Station Community Centre,
Udny Station,
AB41 6QJ