This term we have been looking at science and technology. The children have been using the electricity circuit board, pipettes, test tubes, funnels and measuring jugs in the water tray, making paper aeroplanes, taking photos, recording messages and using touch screen for navigational games.
They have also been encouraged to write their names on the list for turns on the computer and practising letter formation in the sand tray.
The pre-school children have done some project work on the book, The Lost Words, using story stones to invent and tell stories. They have also been practising collecting their coats, shoes and bags at the end of the session and putting these on in preparation for starting school.
Harry our new playgroup bear would like to wish everybody a very hoppy Easter 🐣He has very much enjoyed meeting all the boys and
girls and is looking forward to seeing them again next term when he’ll be spending more time outdoors, experiencing his first ever week of forest school, cheering everybody on at sports
day, visiting Macduff Marine Aquarium for the summer trip and helping with the graduation ceremony for all the children moving up to school after the summer. He will be a very busy bear